all postcodes in OX27 / BICESTER

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX27 8AG 1 51.960685 -1.101159
OX27 8AP 0 51.955062 -1.142827
OX27 8AQ 1 51.953449 -1.109583
OX27 8AR 0 51.951313 -1.149141
OX27 8AW 1 51.96175 -1.145178
OX27 8DD 0 51.955235 -1.122325
OX27 8DF 0 51.955961 -1.120928
OX27 8DG 0 51.957736 -1.11775
OX27 8DH 0 51.956978 -1.117357
OX27 8DJ 0 51.957222 -1.119957
OX27 8DL 0 51.9572 -1.120598
OX27 8DN 0 51.956559 -1.11786
OX27 8DP 1 51.955815 -1.119432
OX27 8DQ 0 51.957901 -1.117033
OX27 8DR 0 51.956645 -1.119809
OX27 8DS 0 51.954893 -1.122389
OX27 8DT 0 51.955097 -1.123181
OX27 8DU 0 51.955428 -1.124198
OX27 8DW 0 51.956146 -1.117897
OX27 8DX 0 51.956351 -1.122536